Can we drive in the rain with a broken windshield?


Can we drive in the rain with a broken windshield?

No it is very dangerous as a safety point of you. By driving with the broken wind shield glass you are putting your life into danger.

Yes you can drive it to very short distance to keep it in the near by automobile workshop to replace it with new Glass ,but with proper protection to your face and you must cover your head with some PPE personal protective equipment like Helmet.

The main purpose of wind shield glass is as its name implies Shields /protects you and your vehicle from different weather situations like heavy rains ,heavy wind and heavy snow fall.

It also prevents to enter dust into the interiors of the cabin .

It also provides wide clear vision of what are approaching in front of you.

What happens when you have a flat tire and drive with it for 20 miles?


  1. Your Tyre damaged very badly and went in to your dumping yard as a scrap.
  2. Its wheel dim also damaged due to get into contact with the road surface .
  3. Your vehicle consumes more fuel than normal and looses traction.
  4. It also effects suspension parts and resulting in major damage to your axle parts .
  5. It badly effects Your steer control and occupants of the vehicle not able to sit in side pf the car comfortably.

Can low tire pressure cause uneven tire wear?

 In a simple words low tire pressure is a great enemy for the tires and it also effects fuel average . It not only destroys tires side walls ,case and also causes uneven wear of tyres.

When a tire runs on road with low air pressure its road contact area increases and because of this rolling friction/resistance increases and to compensate this vehicle utilizes more power intern consumes more fuel than correctly inflated tires.

Because of low tire pressure end portion of tread areas are rapidly worn out compared to middle portion of the tire.

Can we drive in the rain with a broken windshield?

  Can we drive in the rain with a broken windshield? No it is very dangerous as a safety point of you. By driving with the broken wind shiel...